Liquid care product, which has been developed especially for maintenance of the skin strip of the skin skis. The present composition does not comprise aliphatic and aromatic hydrocarbon solvents as their presence even in small amounts could lead to detachment of the skin strip from the base of the ski.
Blue: Composition to improve the glide on cold and dry snow (-2°C / -15°C) without affecting the grip.
Red: Composition to improve the performance of the skin skis on wet and dirty snow, also damp snow up to zero degrees ( 7°C / -3°C). It reduces build-up of impurities from the ski tracks to skin strips, and prevents the risk of icing of skin strips.
HF: Composition to improve the performance of the skin skis on wet and dirty snow, also damp snow up to zero degrees ( 10°C / -5°C). It reduces build-up of impurities from the ski tracks to skin strips, and prevents the risk of icing of skin strips.